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Dr. Guldal “Tuihl-hah-pa-nu” (Sees Far Woman) often called “The Whisperer” or  “Chief Good Feather” by those she works with, is a Psychologist, a Naturopath, a Medicine Woman/Healer,  a Spiritual and Medical Intuitive, Clairsentient, Consultant and The Spiritual Leader of

Oklevueha Sacred Circle Native American Church. 





She believes that if we grow our consciousness and learn to listen to the “Call of Our Soul”, we can live a life with purpose, wellness, vitality, and with the ability to see and manifest all we desire.


We can all live a life filled with Miracles and to always "Dance Your Passion".


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-desire, definite intention formed in the heart or mind: a solemn vow for one’s life

Dr. Guldal’s Sankalpa is to facilitate the healing of shame, blame, and past trauma, for individuals and cultures in order to clear a path towards a fully awakened state- to light the flame of knowing and seeing all that is needed in any situation. This allows everyone to achieve the life they want to be living.

Within all of us there is desire, passion, and the thoughts of the life we wish to be living. In order to understand how to step into our fullest potential, we must first understand what could be holding us back.


Every muscle, every organ, every cell, down to our very DNA holds our memories; not just our memories, but those of our ancestors as well. There are wounds that have never been healed. There is pain that has never been resolved.


Whether it be subconscious or conscious, this pain can mandate our thought patterns and thereby dictate the path we are on. The consequence is that we are held in a physical, spiritual, and emotional restraint that keeps us from achieving what we most desire.


Being free from these ties requires to first be aware of them. From there, true healing can begin.

Typically when we hear the word “healing” we think of the body, but that is only part of our whole. We must, of course, acknowledge our physical self, but we must not forget that we are also emotional, psychological, and spiritual beings. We inhabit all of this simultaneously, every second of every day. When one aspect of the self is being impacted, all parts are being influenced and therefore reacting.

When we decide to actively unburden ourselves from past influences, we begin to change our thought patterns and achieve a higher level of awareness that allows our truest selves to be brought to the surface. From there we can make empowering decisions; decisions to create, manifest our dreams, and to honor self.


Dr. Guldal has committed her life to understanding the intersectionality of past and present trauma, physical illness, spiritual awakeness, and healing. It is through working with her that one’s suffering can be revealed and released. The concept of awareness has been around a long time, awareness at the level of awake is the releasing of old patterns and ways of seeing and experiencing that block any ability to be present. Dr. Guldal has been guided to use her gifts of sight and healing to bridge science and spirit to aid others on this journey of consciousness that allows sight and knowing of all that is needed to navigate the world from a place of strength and wellness and most importantly joy and passion.

“What we must learn is the most important for all beings, our purpose is the same. By seeing and awakening to ourselves, we have the opportunity to fully celebrate all of humanity:

To awaken, to see, validate, affirm, celebrate and honor ourselves; so that Secrets of our higher selves, the hidden answers of mastery, manifestation, creation, prosperity, youthfulness, vitality, and passion can be our guiding light.”

-Dr. Guldal

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